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сб, 28.08
|Meet the QMS Team on Zoom
Вижте какво изграждаме и защо. Задавайте въпроси и научете как можете да промените нещата. Разгледайте www.theQMS.org за повече информация. Нашите гости включват; Уейн Глю, Тим Дуайър, Греъм Патрик Джефс, Греъм, Търнър, Карън Ярдли, Мат Лоусън, Ха Ко Ра, Питър Литъл и Жаки Дънди ,.
Час и място
28.08.2021 г., 19:00 ч. – 21:00 ч. Гринуич+10
Meet the QMS Team on Zoom
За събитието
Hear about the QMS straight from the people creating it.
Meet Graham Turner, Graeme Patrick Jeffs, Caron Yardley, Wayne Glew, Matt Lawson, Jacquie Dundee, Peter Little, Dave Oneegs, Tim Dwyer, Ha Ko Ra, Kara Rose, Penny Johnson, Andy Legg and many more.
Have your questions answered, such as;
What is the QMS?
Why do we need it?
How will it work?
What does it cost?
Is this lawful and how so?
What are the risks?
How can we implement it?
What can we change with it?
Who gets to make the final decisions in it?
How can the changes be implemented?
How quickly can this happen?
How YOU can help?
Feel free to check out our website at www.theQMS.org if you haven't already and we look forward to seeing you there.